Why endometriosis should be given parity with other chronic conditions
Endometriosis care has long been deprioritised and underfunded - it's time the new Labour Government changed that and offered long-awaited hope for those with endometriosis
Read more in Endometriosis UK article as part of the 'Innovations in Pain Management' campaign here.
The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) is delighted to announce its 2025 intake – 28 exceptional health and social care innovators, ready to support the NHS in the areas that make the biggest difference to patients.
Read more here.
The NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) programme is accepting applications to their new researcher and clinician-led THRIVE (Translate Healthcare Research through InnoVation and Entrepreneurship) funding and training opportunity.
THRIVE aims to accelerate the translation of healthcare innovations tackling health inequalities from bench…