9:45 - 10:00
Welcome from our chairman
Dr Rima Makarem,
Chair of Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICB
10:00 - 10:40
How can ICBs shift the digital focus from in-year to long term?
In the current financial landscape, there is a strong focus on delivering in-year efficiency savings, and prioritising projects that return cash to the system in the short term. However, in an industry where it is known that the biggest outcomes, such as preventing lifestyle diseases, take place over a very long term. Dr Rima Makarem, Chair of Bedfordshire, Luton, and Milton Keynes ICB will be joined by other local leaders to consider how local systems can realistically embed digital for long term outcomes, and offer tips to those looking to build or offer longer term oriented solutions to local systems.
Dr Rima Makarem,
Chair of Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICB
Joe Harrison,
Chief Executive at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Max Jones
Chief digital information officer NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
10:40 - 10:55
What's wrong with most Health-Sector websites
What's wrong with most Health-Sector websites
For over 16 years, WebBox has collaborated with the Health sector, witnessing the common pitfalls that many websites face. In this session, we’ll explore several of the biggest challenges hindering website performance in the sector. Join us to discover how to avoid these pitfalls and ensure your website truly serves the needs of your audience
Will Roberts
Managing Director, WebBox
10:55 - 11:30
“From ink to Action”: Are NHS strategies transforming healthcare or collecting dust?
The NHS system is awash with formal strategy documents, centrally, regionally and locally. But what are they and who writes them? Are they just “window dressing” or do they accurately reflect the aspirational realities of the organisations who create them? Once you’ve read one, have you read them all? And if you’re a healthtech innovator, how can a deeper understanding of NHS strategies help you to engage with the system? Join us for a deep dive into the thrilling world of NHS strategy documentation!”
Phil Evans,
Independent Consultant, HealthTech Assist
Liam Cahill,
Healthtech strategist, advisor to national health bodies and founder of Together Digital
Anna Bokobza,
Director of Strategy at Essex Partnership University NHS FT and Board Trustee of the North London Hospice
Chris Fleming,
Partner at Public Digital
11:30 - 11:50
Improving Cyber Resilience at Scale with Asset Intelligence: Data Driven Decision Making to Minimise Risk
As the NHS embraces a myriad of connected assets, each playing a crucial role in site operations and patient care, the cyber-attack surface expands. Attacks target our healthcare systems to distribute ransomware and attempt data theft, increasing the likelihood of service disruption and posing an unacceptable risk to patient safety.
Hear from Jeffrey Wood, Deputy Director of ICT at Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, as he shares insights into how they're tackling this exposure by shifting from a reactive to proactive security posture, in alignment with the DSPT updates based on the Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF). Discover how the trust is continuously monitoring for vulnerabilities and other security threats, as well as implementing pre-emptive measures to thwart cyberattacks before they occur.
Jeffrey Wood,
Deputy Director of ICT, Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
11:50 - 12:30
How can listening to communities help us deliver tech for better care?
All major NHS strategy emphasises embedding more services within local communities, and working across a range of stakeholder groups to achieve this. But when designing or redesigning local services in response, what does genuine co-design look like, how can the community play a more active role in the design, and what would communities want to see? These are questions The Health Foundation has been focusing on through funding proactive and preventative community-oriented tech initiatives. Jenna Collins, who leads this work for the THF is joined by leads from these initiatives to share their lessons, and insights into the reality of listening and design.
Jenna Collins,
Programme manager in the Improvement team at The Health Foundation
Professor Nigel Harris
Former Director of Innovation and Growth at West of England NHS Health Innovation Network (AHSN)
Huda Hajinur
CEO of Caafi Health, Community Health Partner under The Better Care Programme
12:30 - 13:00
Beyond the Hospital: Where Community-based Solutions Meets Cutting-Edge Technology for Better Disease Management and Easing the Strain on Secondary Care
By focusing on low-hanging fruits, most common bottlenecks, and practical approaches towards alternative care models, this panel of diverse healthcare stakeholders will examine how collaborative efforts as well as emerging technology can help improve chronic disease care and broaden access to medicines.
Discussions will also explore key considerations when implementing emerging and innovative technology, particularly when seeking to address systemic pressure points in secondary care via initiatives that are implemented in the community setting.
Catherine Davies,
Director, Digital Healthcare Council
Ejike Nwokoro,
Lead, Patient Insights & Data Strategy, HealthNet Homecare
Angela Blake,
Health Equity Access Lead, UCB
Sue Wen Leo,
Senior High-Cost Medicines Commissioning Pharmacist at Lincolnshire NHS Trust
Katherine Boylan,
Director of Innovation, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
13:00 - 13:45
Workshop: How NHS procurement works?*
* The workshop will be at the same time as lunch and Networking break
Lee Gutcher,
Former Head of Programmes, North Central London ICB
Mick Corti,
Director - Partners Procurement Service NHS, North Central London ICB
Arun Persaud,
Senior Procurement Manager - Partners Procurement Service, North Central London ICB
Nicholas Andreou,
NHS Doctor & Entrepreneur - NHS
Charlotte Roberts,
Associate Director - Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch and Networking
14:30 - 15:10
Is the current NHS approach to technology empowering the frontline, and what can we do to improve this?
Across NHS strategy, from the Long Term Plan to the Topol Review, great emphasis is put on empowering and upskilling the NHS workforce to at the very least be involved in digital initiatives, and at best drive it themselves. But are we actually achieving this, and if not why not? This panel session chaired by Liam Cahill, and joined by a group of clinical leaders, will consider whether enough agency is being granted to clinicians, whether the technology being implemented offers enough opportunities to empower and the training, skills and learning opportunities are building the right kinds of digital skills. In this session the panel members will offer their own tips and tricks for other NHS staff, and those building technology, to drive greater empowerment for and with 'digital'.
Liam Cahill,
Healthtech strategist, advisor to national health bodies and founder of Together Digital
Antonia Brown,
CNIO at Sussex Community Foundation Trust
Gurnak Singh Dosanjh,
Deputy CCIO and ICB Clinical Lead at NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICB
Dr. Rozelle Kane
ICS Clinical lead for Digital & Innovation
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS)
15:10 - 15:25
Bringing back smiles to People with Parkinson's - a viable, cost effective solution for alleviating motor symptons of PD
Andrew Mullen,
CEO, Charco Neurotech
15:25 - 16:00
How can we set the NHS up for cyber resilience? Adopting a proactive cybersecurity posture at scale.
"The NHS, increasingly reliant on connected technologies, faces a growing cyber threat landscape. From car parks to operating theatres, every stage of patient care is interconnected, expanding the attack surface. Cyberattacks can disrupt services, compromise patient data, and endanger lives.
This panel session will explore strategies to bolster the NHS's cyber resilience. We'll delve into:
Comprehensive Asset Visibility: How to identify and manage all connected devices, including medical devices, OT, IoT and IT assets.
Proactive Threat Detection: Leveraging AI-powered technology to detect and mitigate cyber threats in real-time.
Building a Strong Security Posture: Implementing robust security frameworks and best practices to protect critical infrastructure.
Collaboration and Information Sharing: Fostering partnerships between healthcare providers, technology vendors, and government agencies to enhance collective security.
By adopting a proactive cybersecurity posture, the NHS can safeguard patient data, ensure operational continuity, and maintain public trust in the digital delivery of healthcare services.
Ben Rankin,
Head of Healthcare and Public Sector, Armis
Jeffrey Wood,
Deputy Director of ICT, Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
Moh Waqas,
CTO for Healthcare, Armis
16:00 - 16:20
Digitally Enabled Quality Assurance
A panel discussion facilitated by Tendable, featuring Jane Cummings (Former Chief Nursing Officer of NHS England and Non-Executive Director of NHS Gloucestershire ICB) and Andrew McGovern (Associate Chief Nurse, Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust).
This session will cover:
The role of NHS England and ICBs in ensuring quality across NHS providers.
How Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust leveraged technology to increase quality and maintain improved patient outcomes.
How health and care providers can promote best practice and manage risk through the implementation of a digital quality assurance solution.
Prof. Jane Cummings,
Former Chief Nursing Officer for England, Tendable
16:20 - 16:40
How can the NHS go Netzero
More panel discussions will be announced from October. Be sure to revisit our webpage for the updated National ICS Innovation Congress - Agenda 2024.