The NHS published in 2018 :""37 per cent of all senior roles are now held by women compared with 31 per cent in 2009. 36 per cent of consultants are now women compared with 30 per cent in 2009.""!
In 2019, 29% of senior management roles in businesses are held by women, the highest number ever on record!
We celebrate and congratulate all who have made this possible, and continue to strive for an equal, safe and open space for women to shine.
Join us and 5000 women at GIANT Health Event 2020!
This month of March we offer all women a discounted ticket of £39 per ticket giving you full access to our event and this includes direct pre-event engagement with entire health-tech exhibitor community.
Explore partnerships, business deals and new leads. Discover innovations and make connections that matter.
Map My Mole, by Community Dermatology Limited, is a service that offers remote assessments of moles and skin lesions by consultant dermatologists.
Their missions in to bring skin checks to where the patient is, whether at home or in one…
Working in collaboration with partners across health and care, its multi-disciplinary team carries out health technology assessments of health or care technologies that are not a medicine and publishes national guidance on their use in Wales.
Read more here.