china med pavillion 2025
GIANT Health
About GIANT Health
GIANT Health is the UK's largest and most valuable NHS innovation and technology event. Established for 10 year the GIANT Health event convenes the largest national audience of NHS leaders and hospital decision makers
Sponsorship and Business Opportunities
GIANT Health is sponsored by various national government agencies including the Canadian government, and French government. Government agencies bring medtech companies from their home country to attend and exhibit at the GIANT health event to boost their marketing communications and business development opportunities selling into the £190 billion UK health sector. The GIANT Health is the most cost effective and impactful platform for Chinese businesses to engage with the leaders of the UK healthcare sector including national NHS leaders, and local hospital leaders.

Example Partnership Opportunities
There are opportunities to coordinate identifying Chinese medtch businesses and the sales of packages to these businesses. The package would be a comprehensive trade mission to London revolving around exhibiting at the GIANT health event: including tours of hospitals in London, meetings with professional advisory organizations that can help foreign businesses sell into the UK, sightseeing in London and entertainment.
Sample government partnership: we provide each company with a £12,000 complete trade mission package, discounted to £9,450. Providing a minimum of 15 businesses participate together government partnerships variy. Sometimes each individual business pays entirely, sometimes subsidized by governments, and so forth.
Who We Have Worked With