In 2018 Parkinson’s Concierge Ltd attended the Giant Event in November as guests.
In 2018 Parkinson’s Concierge Ltd attended the Giant Event in November as guests.
"This is really where our path led us to Patient Engagement. We met many of our intial business contacts here. Including meeting one of our “Key Partners” ReMeLife.
We are a small organisation looking to build a global community of People affected by Parkinson’s.
We are also establishing a very strong presence now within the Business sector encompassing worldwide Pharma, Biotech, Med Tech, Academia, Research & Parkinson’s Charities. Without being able to attend events such as Giant, we would not have been able to scale our business in the timescale we have done, which has all been done by self-funding, and extremely hard work, passion & commitment to make a difference.
These contacts we have established ourselves by networking, public speaking, or being panelist’s at events such as Giant. Normally we are invited to these events by our Partners or Mentors who are all Global Companies based in UK, USA, Russia & Europe. Thank you again for your support to help us on our way from the Team at Giant." - says Co-Founder of Parkinson's Concierge - Russ Bradford