
Webinar Alert! Europe Digital Health Funding 2022 Half-Year Results

Webinar Alert! Europe Digital Health Funding 2022 Half-Year Results

Today Galen Growth | Global HealthTech Insights are unpacking the fascinating developments revealed in the H1 2022 results of Europe’s Digital Health ecosystem. Register here.

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Ransomware 101 For Healthcare

Managing Director of Technology at Health2047 and pioneering expert on digital transformation in the healthcare industry. Critical healthcare systems are now under constant threat of cybersecurity attacks. The statistics are staggering: According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data, the number of healthcare breaches in the first half of this year is nearly double that of the same period last year. And the per-incident cost of a healthcare data breach has soared to $10.10 million, making it the top industry for most-expensive breach costs.

Read more: Ransomware 101 Fo...
SoftComply Compliance COURSES for medical device developers!

SoftComply Compliance COURSES for medical device developers!

#Checkout SoftComply #regulatory #Compliance #Training #COURSES for #medicaldevice #developers! Register here.

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A Very Noteworthy Healthcare Collaboration

At a time when we seem to be treated to an endless barrage of negative news, some powerfully positive things are happening that bode well for our future, particularly in the area of healthcare. While the focus here is usually on costs, big breakthroughs are coming in combatting cancer and other afflictions.

Read more: A Very Noteworthy...

Get Moving for Mental Health: A Webinar with Stella Volpe, Ph.D.

Learn the many science-backed benefits of exercise in a Twill webinar with nutrition and exercise physiology expert Stella Volpe, Ph.D. Read more here.

Read more: Get Moving for Me...

Google Ventures Has Created A Remarkable Presence In Healthcare

Google Ventures (GV) is a venture capital firm that was originally spun out of Google in 2009 and is now partnered with Alphabet. The firm oversees more than $8 billion dollars in assets, and has invested in some of the world’s most famous enterprises and companies.

Read more: Google Ventures H...

Data annotation is a critical success factor behind AI and ML algorithms

VP of Product at iMerit, Glen Ford discusses how automation and humans-in-the-loop combine to build a more productive and efficient process of #dataannotation. Read more here.

Read more: Data annotation i...

Between 15% and 30% of all cases of infertility are unexplained infertility

To know more about Unexplained infertility and possible treatments and recommendations, go to EnhancedFertilityApp blog post here.

Read more: Between 15% and 3...

HealthBeacon is the World's Leading Digital Health Platform for Injectable Medications

As many as 1-in-2 patients fail to adhere to their medication schedule. HealthBeacon's technologies integrate with patient support programs to significantly improve adherence for individuals with at home therapy regimens. Read more here.

Read more: HealthBeacon is t...

The Importance Of Affordable Healthcare: Getting To The Heart Of The Matter

The average monthly cost of insulin in the U.S., including generics, can range from $50 with prescription coverage to over $1,000 without. Largely applicable across many medications, this type of cost disparity underscores the importance of maintaining appropriate health coverage for those who already have it. But as a pharmacist and healthcare professional, I am more concerned about those with inadequate, heavily restricted or no health coverage: the people standing in line at the pharmacy with tears and desperation in eyes that are darting between their medication, their basket of groceries and their children.

Read more: The Importance Of...

The FCA’s new Consumer Duty rules (CP21/36) ensure “a higher level of consumer protection in retail financial markets."

At, they're committed to working closely with their customers and the wider market to ensure that technology helps drive customer-centricity, supports vulnerable customers & aids firms in delivering great outcomes. To learn more click here.

Read more: The FCA’s new Con...

New Approaches Needed To Support Digitization Of Healthcare

At the recent HIMSS conference in Helsinki, the breadth of digital solutions promising to transform healthcare was prodigious. What is also sadly evident for any seasoned observer of the sector is that the pace of change remains incredibly slow, and while digital tools have enabled many sectors to do more with less, healthcare remains largely beholden to Baumol's cost disease.

Read more: New Approaches Ne...